Dubai Diaries: Sonnalli Seygall's vacation pictures will make you jealous

It's true that nobody parties and holidays like Bollywood celebrities, and proving this adage true is the Pyaar Ka Punchnama actress Sonnalli Seygall, who's currently holidaying in Dubai and her vacation pictures are likely to give you vacation goals. Not only that, they may make you miss your previous holidays and turn your face green with envy.

Five days ago, she arrived in Dubai and posted an absolutely apt picture to commence her holiday with. She captioned it- Hi Dubai, let's have some fun. Take a look:

And yesterday, on November 27, she posted an incredibly gorgeous picture and wrote- Literally kissed the sun, have a look right here:

And just when you thought it was over, she came with another post where she could be chilling inside the pool like a boss, and she wrote- And then I had my coffee here:

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And then I had my coffee here ☕ï¸ÂðŸ§ÂÂœ‍♀ï¸Â

A post shared by Sonnalli Seygall (Sonali) (@sonnalliseygall) onNov 28, 2019 at 2:34am PST

All in all, given the kind of fun the actress is having in Dubai, it seems she's unlikely to come back to India anytime soon. Dubai's infectious energy and beauty may have engulfed her into its maddening and contagious world. But hope she comes back and gives us some more memorable films!

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