Actor Paritosh Tripathi, who is known for his intense performance, perfect comedy timing and not the least his writing skill. Paritosh has spread his talent across the international level now. His short film 'Bholi' has been acknowledged internationally, and it has also been selected for MIFF (Mumbai International Film Festival) which will be held in Mumbai on 1st February 2019. Basically, Bholi's character is been played by Maanya Varma, Paritosh is playing Mama to Bholi.
On that Paritosh Tripathi comment "Its a proud moment for me to get acknowledged on the international level. Film Bholi is directed by Amitabh S Verma and written by Shruti Anindita Verma and Abhitabh Verma. The film has been also been selected in the National competition at MIFF. It is amongst the 21 films that has been selected from more than 850 films across 25 countries. We have already won three awards and have got nominated for two more. I would like to request more people to come and watch our film, which is scheduled to be screened at the Film Division on 1st February 2020."
Film Bholi will showcase the emotional bound of Mama (Uncle) and Bhanji (Niece).
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