In November 2019, Akshay Kumar shared a picture from the set of Sooryavanshi to announce that the shoot had wrapped up. The pithy caption read, "Last day, last shot, last stunt of Sooryavanshi." Little did the superstar know that there was more action in store for the Rohit Shetty-directed venture. In an interesting move, the filmmaker — who was keen to have Jackie Shroff as part of the cop caper — roped in the senior actor at the last minute. mid-day has learnt that Shroff shot for his sequences over the past week.
Says a source, "Jackie's addition came as a surprise to the unit. His scenes were filmed in Ooty recently. Neither Akshay nor Katrina Kaif featured in the sequence. Jackie shot with Abhimanyu Singh, who plays the primary antagonist. The scenes were designed to establish his character in the story. The filming is now complete."
Rohit Shetty
Shroff, who turns a year older today, could well count the plum role in Sooryavanshi as a pre-birthday gift from Shetty. "I have worked with Rohit's father [late action choreographer Shetty] whom I respected a lot. Now, I am proud to work with Rohit," says the actor, amused at the quirky twists of life. "Rohit is the son of the soil. He knows his job and I loved working with him. I can't disclose my character, but it's an interesting role."
The March release also features Shetty's two cop heroes — Ajay Devgn aka Bajirao Singham from Singham, and Ranveer Singh aka Sangram Bhalerao from Simmba. "To be in the same film with these young stars is fantastic. Being part of this movie gives me a lot of strength," beams Shroff.
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