A month after reports of Divya Dutta and Sanjay Kapoor coming together for a short film hit headlines, mid-day has it that Guneet Monga's offering, tentatively titled Sleeping Partner, will explore the subject of domestic violence and marital rape.
Pointing out that the crime is prevalent in the small towns of India, Kapoor tells mid-day, "I have never done a role like this one before. It could be shocking for the audience to realise how normal, middle-class guys could behave inside their homes. What we have dealt with in the movie is a subject that has not been strongly established yet. Maybe, after this, women who are facing violence and living in close-knit families will have the confidence to speak out. If they manage [stand up to] their [abusive] husbands, our job will be done."
Dutta adds that despite having fun on the set while shooting, she'd return home feeling rather disturbed. "I would often start crying. [Such stories] that are powerful and real, affects one's psyche."
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