Director Ahmed Khan has spilled the beans on the time when Shraddha Kapoor struggled to get her dialogues right. This happened during the shoot of the upcoming film, Baaghi 3.
"On the first day of shoot, Shraddha was practicing how to deliver cuss words, as her character demands the same. My wife had come on set and she couldn't figure what Shraddha was trying to do, as it looked weird. After rehearsing for quite some time, Shraddha came to me saying, 'sir, I am not able to deliver cuss words the way they are supposed to be said'. The film's writer Farhad Samji came to her rescue. He trained Shraddha to perfect her dialogue delivery of cuss words by training her on the rhythm as well," revealed the director, on "The Kapil Sharma Show", aired on Sony TV.
The third installment of Baaghi brings back Tiger Shroff in the starring role. The film is scheduled to release on March 6.
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