On May 30, mid-day had reported about Ali Fazal teaming up with actor-writer Amitosh Nagpal to raise funds for theatre artistes and technicians who have been hit hard by the lockdown. As it turns out, Salman Khan too has been concerned about the community and was charting out a plan with Yuva Sena leader Rahul N Kanal to extend help to them. Yesterday, the superstar kicked off a food donation drive for the theatre workers by sending his two food trucks, Being Haangryy, to the Damodar Natyagruha in Parel and Shri Shivaji Mandir Natyagruha in Dadar.
Volunteers distributing food kits in Dadar
Kanal, who is coordinating the drive on behalf of Khan, along with Shiv Sena corporator Amey Ghole, informs that they intend to make it a daily affair with the two trucks covering different parts of Mumbai. He says, "We started the initiative when we heard about the plight of the artistes and technicians of Shri Shivaji Mandir Natyagruha. I reached out to Salman bhai who immediately agreed to help us. Each ration kit contains five kilos of rice and wheat flour, vegetables, oil, salt, spices and tea powder. We reached out to 186 workers on the first day and hope to extend help to other theatre artistes through them. We are practising safety measures while distributing the kits."
Volunteers distributing food kits in Parel
When it was brought to his notice that Fazal is building a database of theatre artistes to enable smooth and transparent distribution of funds, Kanal added, "If we could get the contact numbers of any theatre company that needs support, we will be happy to help."
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